
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Quilt Studio -- A view on the veranda

I thought I would share a few pictures of my quilt studio. When my son went to college his large basement bedroom was immediately appropriated as my new quilt studio. The dark long and narrow room got new wallboard, insulation, and a coat of paint. The old carpet was pulled up and fresh wood-grain vinyl flooring was rolled out. The best part, for me anyway, was my new "view". The veranda in the picture is a wallpaper mural that covers all of one end of the room and wraps around one corner about 2 feet.
I arranged my machines to face the veranda so that I can "look out" at the sea while I sew. It really gives the space a sense of spaciousness and warmth. I used parts of an old computer desk unit for my machine tables and have my Bernina, serger, and Jukie at hand, with my ironing big board right behind me. It is a great space to work in. The 2 table mounted Ott Lites and the new overhead track lights really give me great light for sewing.My storage area for stash is one of the 2 closet in the room. I installed wire shelves and organized my stash by color in clear bins. I really need a second closet, but so far I am managing to contain my stash -- well most of it -- in this closet. The drawer units hold large cuts, quilt backs, and UFO's. The small stool allows me to reach boxes on the top shelf without breaking my neck!
The "Book Nook" is my favorite corner of the room. My quilt books and magazines are stored here and I often sit in my rocker and look through books for inspiration or research. The kitties often curl up on this rug -- a bargain at an outlet store (the rug not the kitties) -- and keep me company while I read or do hand work.
The last picrure is the view of my studio from the far end. My cutting table stands in the middle and has 2 leaves that come up when I need more cutting room. The drawers and cupboards are perfect for rulers and rotary cutters and all my tools store nicely in stacked bins inside the cupboards. Since taking the picture, I have added an antique pie safe on the wall where the ironing board is and it is filled with quilts, extra batting, and works in progress.
As for my son, not to worry. Not only has he graduated from college and officially moved out to start his career in Texas, but I have a guest room upstairs for him when he comes home! But I sure love my new studio and find it a wonderful workable space. Now, if it was only this clean all the time! My Easter wish for each of you is a spacious studio of your own to work and create in. Thanks for taking a look at mine.


  1. I love the veranda idea and your studio looks so organized, I'm jealous.

  2. What a beautifully organized studio and blog. It's like a breath of fresh air, even if it is in the basement. I also love your book nook - it's a part I really like in my studio too.Thanks for inviting me in!

  3. I love your studio and your use of your space. You appear to have included all the necessities and some comfort, also. Good job.

  4. Very nice Reeze....My room is much smaller but I manage ok....I keep saying "someday these kids will move out ".....

    Happy Easter to you and yours...

  5. The "veranda" is fabulous! It's great to have a view, even if it's virtual. Good for your eyes to look up and focus far away!
    I think the current posts of our studio pictures make a real nice contrast between order and chaos!

  6. What a fabuous studio you have!!


I'd love to know what you think! Thanks for sharing your ideas.