
Monday, July 20, 2009

Back From Texas Retreat

I spent a wonderful weekend at the Cabin Quilter’s Retreat in Houston last weekend. What a wonderful place! Great new friends, great old friends (well, not THAT old) and wonderful eats, conversation and quilting. If you can still get a date, the retreats at the Cabin Quilter’s Retreat are first class. ph2741587960034834197I worked on a set of swap blocks while I was there and put them up on the design wall behind me. It was fun the see the pattern emerge as I added more and more blocks to the wall.


One Afternoon the neighborhood Peacocks stopped by for a minute to munch on Four O’Clock seeds by the front door. This lovely lady posed for me as she was cooling off in the shade. I kept hoping I would see a flamingo but this is as close as it got to a tropical bird!

Now I am off to Ohio to visit with my dad for 2 weeks and get some serious work done on my next pattern. Thanks for coming along for a visit.


  1. I love that white criss-cross design...classics always work in any color-way!

  2. Wow, seeing a peahen at such close quarters would be a treat. I have seen one in a Zoo years ago!


I'd love to know what you think! Thanks for sharing your ideas.