
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

As If Quilting isn’t Enough – Another Collection

Yes, I started collecting when I was very young.  I am sure it started with pretty rocks.  Then I started amassing tea pots, and then anything that looked like corn.  I love those old Mc Coy corn dishes.  Jewelry, especially old costume jewelry, has always been a passion and I collected that for a long time – um, well I guess I still do.  Then I collected china that looked like cottages.  That was quite a long phase and still have many lovely old pieces.  Perhaps my biggest collecting passion was beaded purses. . . those lovely old Victorian, art nuveau and art deco bags with exquisite floral motifs, pictures, or designs in beads that shimmer.  Others are made of metal mesh.  I have most of them packed away but the other day I dug out a few of my old favorites.  I really must do something with this collection.  Here are a few of the ones I unearthed.  There are about 200 more still packed away. 
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Quilters never tire of beautiful things.  These lovely old pieces of the past have always been an inspiration to me to continue creating beautiful things. What do you collect?  How do they inspire you?


  1. Reeze, those bags are gorgeous. I wonder if you couldn't get one of those shadow boxes and display two or three at a time and replace them every so many months so you could enjoy your collection. Boy, I collect all kinds of worthless junk. When I go to the big quilt shop in the sky, my girls are going to be cussing me out. I don't have tons of anything but a half dozen or so of lots of things; bears, dolls, thimbles, little irons, metalware, etc. They'll hate me.... lol

  2. Just had to tell you, I love the Christmas Quilt you have entered in the Holiday Traditions Quilt Contest.
    oh dear now I might have to vote for yours instead of mine. lol.

  3. Thanks so much for your compliments on my Christmas quilt. It will be difficult to vote on a favorite in this contest. There are so many lovely quilts. I love your golden sampler as well. What wonderful holiday images. Thanks.

  4. At Red Hen Fabric Shop near Dallas, Ga the ladies room is so gorgeous decorated with purses like that. They have them hanging up high on a bead board type wall in the room, there is a string of white Christmas lights along the top also...the room is all white with those up high...absolutely lovely. The lights make the beading sparkle.
    Becky from Dubai


I'd love to know what you think! Thanks for sharing your ideas.