
Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 3 Handi-Quilter Retreat

The third (and last) day of the Handi-Quilter Beginner Retreat began with a shopping frenzy!  We all wanted to get our orders in for all the great gadgets and gizmos we wanted to take home with us.  We packe and repacked our suitcases hoping we could get everything (including all our sewing projects) in.  My suitcase just barely zipped and had to have them ship my new Micro Handles (my big purchase!!).

Our final class was trapunto!  I had never been very interested in do it before, but the quilts they showed us and the techniques they taught us made it seam easy and fun.  They showed us this pink quilt made by inserting bright pink fabric between the white muslin top and the batting after the first layer of trapunto batting had been added and stitched in place.

Then the yellow one, made by one of the HQ Educators blew us away too.

This quilt was one that was marked and stitched but not yet quilted.

For our projects we did a quick technique where batting was placed under an applique piece and then edge stitched onto the quilt.  We used our little practice tops to make cute bags.

This one is mine before quilting it. Somewhere I have and AFTER picture and will add it as soon as I find where I put it!!  LOL  What was so cool was that we made the whole bag on the longarm!  How cool is that?  The only thing it needed was handles.

We had an incredible saladbar lunch and then we had. . . GRADUATION!  How fun is that??  We each got a certificate, some great recipes (from some of our previous meals) and a picture.

Back row: (L-R) Janet, Terri, Melanie, Reeze, Carol, Marianne, Ella, Debbi and Jeri.
Front row: Sandy (standing), Diane (kneeling in front of her), Dyanne, Hope, Dennis, Linda, Candie.

We also had to take a sisters picture since we had 4 sets of Sisters in this group!!!

Terri & Melanie (back row left)
Dyanne & Hope (front row left)
Sandy and Diane (middle)
Ella and Debbie (right standing and sitting)

Of course we had to get a picture of our great teachers as well.

L-R: Kathi Salter, Cheryl Duncan, Vicki Hoth, Hatty Brown

Before our van swooped us off to the airport I had to take a few more pictures of quilts around the lobby of this incredible building!!

So off we all went to our various planes, trains, and automobiles.  I learned so much in this class and hope I have the opportunity to take another one soon.  I highly recommend it.  Of course as soon as i got home I had to load a practice quilt and try out all my new tools, technique.  Hope you enjoyed coming along for the ride.


  1. I will tell you that I now really want to go, too. I have wanted to go ever since I got my HQ16 4 years ago but I REALLY want to go now. Thanks a lot!

  2. Reeze, We sure enjoyed having you and your sister Retreaters with us. Thank you for posting such kind words about the HQ University. I have to agree with you, our four HQ Studio Educators are TOPS. Best regards, Brenda Groelz, Director of Marketing & Education, Handi Quilter, Inc.

  3. Thank you so much for your postings of your HQ Retreat. I hope to make the retreat one day. Looks like alot of fun and I want to learn all I can.


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