
Monday, November 8, 2010

Quiltmaker’s 100 Block Blog Tour is Here!

The Winner of the Free Magazine is Comment #110 --

Congratulations Jaylene!!  Send me your snail mail address and your 100 Blocks Magazine will be on its way to you.   And hang in there everyone.  I will be giving away another copy tomorrow!  Whoo Hooo!

This week is so exciting!  My block Rising Star is among the blocks featured in Volume II of Quiltmaker’s Magazine’s 100 Blocks issue.
QMMS_100blksVol2_cover_350      Rising Star
EQ7 Drawing of the Block
rising star
Actual Photo of the Rising Star Block Block #106 in the Magazine!!

I came up with the idea for this block while learning to use the Patch Draw worktable on EQ6.  I wanted to play with the circular grids and see if I could design a star block that looked different from a traditional radiating star.  Once I settled upon the design, I played with color to get the illusion of a spinning star, throwing off its colors as it spun.

Here is one of the first designs I came up with for a quilt using this block.  I alternated blocks with another block I submitted (but wasn’t published) called Winter Sun.
winter sun 3
Here is the quilt I came up with. Design 1: Stars and Suns
sample quilt 1I loved the combination of batiks and dots in the cool shades and repeated them in the chunky borders. Then I started playing around with other setting ideas in EQ7 and came up with a whole bunch of fun ideas. 
The setting idea below eliminates the alternate block and shows off the secondary design possibilities when the blocks are set in a simple 4 x 4 horizontal setting of 16 blocks.  The star border plays on the theme and pulls the colors into a frame that stops the action of the spinning stars without over powering them.  This setting is 47” x 47” square.  Wouldn’t this be fun as a mini? Design 2: Desert Stars
sample quilt 2
sample quilt 3Design 3 (above) Desert Star Mini
This next setting uses the same blocks and border, but reduces the number of blocks to 4.  It is 29” x 29”.
In each of the settings I have shown so far I have reduced the size of the block from 12” to 9”.  I liked the proportions of the block to the border better at that size.  So after playing with size and the number of blocks I had to play with color.  I used the “Random Recolor” feature in EQ7 and came up with dozens of new color combinations.  Total funnage!!

Here is one color variation I liked:  Design 4: Kaffe Stars
sample quilt4
I used Kaffe Fasset fabrics to pump up the color and simplified the borders to keep it from being too over powering.  I just loved all the dots.  I changed the background dots to a calmer fabric to punch up the brighter colors of the spinning star.
sample quilt 5
Design 5 (above): Summer Night.
In this setting I put the blocks on point and recolored again.  Partial stars make up the setting triangles and corners.  The secondary stars really take on a life of their own in the small white dotted fabric.  I love this setting.  Wouldn’t it make a great summer night quilt?

It is hard to stop playing with settings once I get started, but if you have hung in with me this long, I have a surprise for you.  Let me know which setting(s) you like best -- by leaving a comment on this post -- and you will automatically be entered to win a FREE copy of the Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks Magazine .  One person will be chosen at random from all comments received before 11/15/2010.  Keep reading because I am giving away more stuff before this post is done!!

Surprise #2 -- the winning setting (the one with the most votes) will be patterned and available for Free to everyone who left a comment!!  I will send you a link to download the complete pattern for free.

sample quilt 6
Design 6: Dancing Blue Stars

sample quilt 7
Design 7: Jayhawk Stars

These are both on-point settings where I played with color and different setting triangles. I also reduced the number of blocks in the second of these designs.

Here is a quilt I designed just for you, my incredible friends and readers. Design 8: Stars in my Eyes
sample quilt 8
If you click HERE you will be able to download a pdf of the templates to make this 12” block and click HERE for the templates for the setting triangles.  Here is a yardage chart.  And if you want a sunnier version of this same quilt, how about this?

Design 9: Sunny Stars
sample quilt 9
 If you want a really fast method to make this quilt, use a piece of interfacing!
  1. Download the full size block outline HERE and trace it onto the interfacing or place it beneath the interfacing so you can see the lines through the interfacing. 
  2. Cut the templates out and arrange them on the interfacing with the glue side up. 
  3. When all the pieces are arranged and touching, iron them down onto the interfacing. 
  4. Add the borders, then layer with batting and backing. 
  5. Then satin-stitch or zig-zag the seams to hold all the patches in place.  Use a variegated thread to add to the composition or an invisible thread to disappear into it.  You will be stitching through all the layers so your quilt will be quilted at the same time that you join the seams and edge-stitch. 
WOW, is that fast or what?  Your finished original masterpiece will be 21” x 21” – a perfect size to hang on your wall, in your cubicle, or next to your desk to remind you of the rising stars in your life.
Cutting List:  Innermost border cut two 1” x WOF strips.  Middle border cut two 1” x WOF strips.  Outer border cut three 1.5” strips.  Binding cut three 2.25” strips.

Now.  The first four people who make this quilt and send me a picture of themselves holding it up will receive a Free Issue of Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks along with a free Morning Glory Designs Pattern of your choice!!  Send photo to reezehanson (at)

Now that’s a cool Give-away!!  I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

And check out my ad in the front of the magazine!!!! on page 9! and the setting ideas using my block on page 16!!

And watch for an upcoming preview of next year’s FREE Block of the Month being offered on my blog.
Thanks to all of my friends and readers.  You are the best.


  1. This is a great block! Love it very much! Especially I love your first version of the quilt combined with the two patterns. Wow! Thank you so much for the free pattern. Love the sunny version! And the one with Kaffe Fasset fabrics is just wonderful!

  2. Love, love, love the block and all the settings. I loved the setting for a "summertime" quilt, but my second choice would be the setting in blues with only your block with the brighter blocks in the middle. BTW, congrats for being chosen.

    Bonnie B

  3. Great block! I really like the summer night setting. Thanks for the freebie...I hope I get some time today to play with it!

  4. Wow, Reeze. What a post! I love both of your blocks even if they didn't print both of them in the magazine.

    I can't believe all the different things you did with the block and the settings. (I'm getting better with EQ but have a long way to go!).

    BTW . . . I cast my vote for the summer night quilt that is set on point.

    I've been looking for something for a quilter friend. Her favorite color is orange. I'm going to go through my stash to see if I have enough orange and yellow to make the mini. I wonder if I can get it finished by Christmas. I like it a lot and I think she will, too.

  5. I am amazed at the beauty of all the block settings. Very difficult to select just one as my favorite. Love the color combinations, the red/yellow; the blue one; the yellow/green sunshine. All so lovely. Congratulations on the magazine entry as well.
    Linda G. in Iowa

  6. I like both Blocks! Thanks for sharing the links and turtorial for how to with EQ7. Just got the EQ6 uploaded, need to upgrade...huh?

  7. Impressive block. It's always so fun to see someone play with a block and explore all the setting options. #1 is my favorite by far, two block quilts offer so many design possibilities.

  8. I love your block... and I love the way you played with the settings. They are all great, but my favorite is Design 6: Dancing Blue Stars. Thank you for the giveaway.

  9. I like them all but I like Design 1 Stars and suns the best. Sunny Stars is gorgeous, I am going to try to make it shortly.

  10. I love both blocks. I think my favorite design is number 8 Stars in my Eyes.


  11. These are all fabulous and I especially love Design 2. Love it! Thanks so much for the Free pattern. :)

  12. Love your block! I love the one where it is set on point (5)!

  13. I love design #5! Thanks for the free pattern:)

  14. Oh gosh, it's so hard to choose. I think my vote is going to go yo Stars and Suns. Congrats on getting your design published in the mag.

  15. Great block!
    I like design #1 best

  16. summer night I suppose...congrats on being asked to submit ...

  17. Oh of course the Kaffe star. I don't think I would be fast enough with a pattern, but printed it to play with it - thank you.

  18. Congratulations on your awesome block being featured!
    I love the Design 4: Kaffe Stars & Design 5: Summer Night.

  19. super cute! all the designs are nice. thanks

  20. Design 1 - Stars & Suns =!!!
    I must stash bust some more so I can reward myself with such perfect fabrics :)

  21. I love the #5 Summer night. reminds me of an old fashioned kaleidescope I had as a kid. And those are my favorite colors too!

  22. Great block - design 4 would have to be my fave. Go with your gut they say and this version 'popped' for me!

  23. Stars ad Suns is jus perfect
    and my kinda quilt:-)Great Block

  24. What an amazing block! My favorite design is #2. Love the secondary designs and the border.

  25. #1 is my favorite design! Wonderful block and thank you for the pattern. Love EQ too.

  26. Creative block! I like Design 2: Desert Stars. Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. What a tough choice! I'd have to go with Summer Night - but only slightly more than Desert Stars - I like the block put on point. Very cool!

  28. Absolutely stunning block! I love all the options, but my favorite is #6--dancing blue stars.

  29. Design 1 ,because I like your winter block, and the two blocks together are a masterpiece. I'm amazed how people can put so many fabric colors together and create such a gorgeous quilt. Now I must go and try to do the same. Love secondary designs you can get from your block.

  30. I love design #one but they are all great, hard to choose just one. Thanks for all the options and the chance to win.

  31. OMG! That is just too much inspiration for one gal to take in the morning!
    I love them all but my favorite is #3 mini desert that border. So I was thinking it looks too hard for me, but the idea of putting it on interfacing is very intriguing...I'm dying to try it!

  32. wow! so many wonderful designs! I like #4 in the blue and #6.

    #9 is pretty awesome too

  33. I love the block and setting number 6. You have a great eye for design.

  34. such a cool block and all the quilts you can make with it are awesome. I have a tie between #1 and #5. HMMM! I choose #1

  35. I'm in awe! I don't think I could choose just one - so Desert Stars and Suns and Kaffe Stars would be my favorite, with Kaffe Stars a little bit more favorite.

  36. I am partial to #5. I think it is a beautiful setting that leaves some nice spaces for some fabulous quilting to bring it over the top.

  37. Reeze-
    I am very taken with your Design #1. Great EQ designing!

  38. I like Design #1 best. Congratulations! And thanks for the giveaway chance.

  39. I like #5 - Summer Night! Congrats on having your block in the publication! Catherine in SW IN.

  40. Desert Stars #2 is the best! The borders are especially gorgeous. The colors, the design, yup, great!

  41. Wonderful block! My favorite design is the borders:) Thanks for the chance to win!

  42. It' a really hard decision to make. I like them all. I guess I'll have to say I like # 1 - Stars and Sun the best.

  43. I just love Summer Night. Absolutely gorgeous.

    I'm so looking forward to this Quiltmaker issue, even if I have to buy it.

  44. Wow, so many neat ideas. I like Design three the best. I like making smaller quilts as table toppers. I'll be adding your blog to my Google Reader.

  45. Wow! It's hard to choose, but I'll go with #5 Summer Night.

  46. My favorite is Sumeer Night #5. They are all very nice.

  47. I've got 3 favorites. #5 Summer Nights, #7 Jayhawk Stars and #8 Stars in My Eyes. Thanks for the giveaways and I will definitely be bookmaking your page. Such great ideas.

  48. My favorite is the Design 3 Desert Star Mini. In any setting, this is a great block.


  49. I like both the Desert Stars and the Dancing Blue Stars! Neat block!

  50. I have to choose one? I love the Desert Stars #2. The borders finish it perfectly!

  51. Wow!!! I love them all but I think my fav is #1 Stars and Suns.

  52. They all look terrific, Reeze, but I like Desert Star Mini the best!

  53. You're so talented with your beautiful designs!!!I love your first design, Stars & Suns the best! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!!

  54. inspiring quilt setting after another! Your block is gorgeous, and I love the many options you've shared! I think Kaffe stars is my absolute favorite!

  55. AMAZING - I like setting #1 Designs and Suns. It is stunning. But then all of them are. What a versatile block.

    RaLene Compton

  56. I love Stars and Suns best, just gorgeous!!
    Congrats on being featured!

  57. Wow - I love design #1 - Now let see if i can make that pattern!

  58. Beautiful - I too like Stars and Suns best, I can picture it in batiks.

  59. Wow what an amazing post! What an amazing block!! I like the Summer Night setting. Thanks for including me in your giveaway.

  60. LOVE your block....tough choice on my favorite setting. Since I'm drawn to diagonal settings I love Design 5 (above): Summer Night or Design 7: Jayhawk Stars. Thanks!

  61. My favorite is Design 1, Stars and Suns. I like the colors and I think the chunky outer border is a nice compliment to the blocks. Its fun to see all the different options.

  62. favorite is design #5. Love the saturation of blue.

  63. Summer Night is my favourite. They all look great though. Difficult decision.

  64. fun block I think I like Design 1 Stars and suns
    Hope you have a great day

  65. I think #2 Desert Stars is my favorite, but it might be #6 Dancing Blue Stars. Either way thank you for the block and the giveway!

  66. I have to say that all of your versions are great. It's fun to see what just changing the color palette can do to a design. My favorite setting is #1 Stars and Suns. I love the Winter Sun block.

  67. I love summer nights!! It is stunning!!

  68. I love the summer nights quilt. the other settings were very nice too but this one was just wonderful.

  69. I like the #4 Kaffe Stars version the best. It is so striking. Thanks for the chance to win.

  70. I like design #1 Suns and Stars the best!

  71. Now you know this is a very difficult task. I'll pick design #1 but I like different things about almost each design option. I'm just gonna stop here as this could be a long post but do want to say congratulations on being included in the issue.

  72. Love 'em all, but my vote goes for #5 - Summer Stars. I LOVE the blues, and love the secondary stars that pop out in the light-colored background.

    More than anything, I'm so danged proud of YOU I could just BUST!

    Love ya!

  73. Design 1 with Winter Sun! Thanks for all the goodies...hopefully there will be more to come...fingers crossed...

  74. I vote for Design 1: Stars and Suns (with Design 6: Dancing Blue Stars a close second).

  75. I like Design #4 the best. It really sings!
    Thanks for the chance to win.


  76. I like all of them looking forward to the magazine.

  77. Wow! Just Wow! Picking a favorite was really hard. I'm going with Desert Stars. Great designs!

  78. Design 4: Kaffe Stars
    This is my favorite because this is such a unique quilt design using his fabrics.
    Love what you did with all of the varations. Please enter me into your drawing. alternate email mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  79. Design #3 Desert Star Mini is my favorite.

  80. It's hard to pick just one, they are all great designs! I think I'll go with #3 Desert Star Mini. Thanks!

  81. I'm picking #1, but I'd make it in reds :) I loved them all, but it looks so hard to do. I'm a beginning quilter so anything that doesn't have straight seams is a little intimidating. What a beautiful design. Congrats on making the magazine!

  82. Love the block! My favorite setting is Desert Stars - I think that setting shows off the spin of the star the best, which is a great effect, BTW. Glad I came to your blog. Mary

  83. Summer Nights is my favorite!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  84. Beautiful block. I really like design #4.

  85. Sun and Stars setting #1. I just love the overall look of the two blocks together. Thanks for the chance in the giveaway.

  86. I like Design #8 Stars in my Eyes. Thanks for the chance to win a wonderful book.

  87. Design Summer Night is my favorite. Love your block. Look forward to making a quilt with it. Would love to win a magazine.


  88. I like all your various settings, but believe I like "Summer Night" the best.

  89. Love them all, but Design 1 is my favorite. :)

  90. They're like stained glass! I love them all, but I particularly like #8.

  91. Really like Desert Star number 2

  92. Oh WOW! I LOVE your block as well as the other not chosen for the magazine. I really like all the other quilt layouts but Design 1/Stars and Suns is my absolute favorite. That's beautiful.

    For the other option to win I'm out on that as I just had hand surgery and don't have the use of my right hand at all sadly.

    vburr at charter dot net

  93. Great block!
    Great settings and #1 is my favorite.

  94. Wow - your quilts look like they are in a kaleidoscope! Love them all!

  95. All the combinations are lovely, but my favorite is design 1 with the Stars and Suns.

  96. Wow, that was such a fun post to read. Thank you for all the instructions and information. My favorites were the Kaffe Stars and Mini Desert version. I'm a sucker for smaller quilts.

  97. thanks for sharing your talent - I like Setting # 1 with the alternate block the best -

  98. I haven't read ALL the comments, but I think I may be the first to choose the Jayhawk Stars as a favorite ... I am, admittedly, a sucker for blocks set on point ;-)

    Congratulations for being included in 100 Blocks.

  99. Congratulation and niffy block. I like the design 4: Kaffe Stars.

  100. Wow what a versatile block! They are all so different, but look great. My favorite is #4 with Kaffe's fabrics.

  101. It's hard to pick my favorite because they are all great. I like the colors in Kaffe's Stars.

  102. My favorite setting is Summer NIght.

  103. Love the Kaffee Stars

  104. My favorite setting is the desert star mini!! Love it! Thanks for the chance to win.

  105. I like Design #1 - Stars & Suns the best. Awesome!

  106. Beautiful work! My favorite is Design #1 Stars and Suns. I think the two blocks are stunning together. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and ideas. I bookmarked your blog, it's great!

  107. It was an easy choice for me: Design #6 Dancing Blue Stars just pulled me right in! It's beautiful!

    Leslie S. in MN
    esclante at comcast dot net

  108. How does one choose a favorite?! They're all gorgeous! Well, it's between #1 and #6.... yeah, #1 gets my vote! Terrific block! Congrats!

  109. I love your block and I love the way you played with the settings. They are all great, but my favorite is Design 5 Summer night.
    Alda, Fl

  110. Very cool! I like design 2 - Desert Stars.

  111. I love the Kaffe one. Very pretty.

  112. I love the summer night block- they all are pretty to look at - Thanks for the opportunity to see it in so many different variations.Playing is a very important part of playing.
    Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

  113. Wow! How fun. I like #1, 5, and 6. Congratulations!

  114. Love Design 1 for the colors and the way it reminds me of a kaleidoscope.

  115. Wow! What an absolutely amazing block. I like #5-Summer Nights but my favourite has to be #7-Jayhawk Stars. I seem to have a thing for on point settings. I am impressed by what you can do with EQ.

  116. Design 1: Stars and Suns is my favorite

  117. All the different settings are so bright and lovely. I like #1, love the colors. Thank you for your freebie.

  118. Stars and Suns and Stars in my Eyes are my favorites. The others are too busy for me. The block is beautiful. You interfacing technique is very clever.

  119. Design 9 sunny stars is my favorite! I love this block on point it creates a nice diagonal secondary pattern. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  120. I like number 5 with Summer Night. I love how both stars just float in the sky :) You're blocks are beautiful. Congrats being included in the "100 Blocks!"
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  121. Incredible work, Reeze, and nearly impossible to choose a favorite. However, I must, so I shall say "Design 2: Desert Stars" is my first choice. Running a close second is "Design 5: Summer Night". Thank you for everything. I see you follow a number of the same blogs that I follow, and now I'm following yours. ;) Thank you again for your lovely comments.

  122. Wow!!! I just found this!!! What a GREAT block! and I love all the variations you came up with - WOW!!! I can't pick just one, but if I HAD to, it would be Summer Night! It seems wintery to me. I will be buying this magazine, but would love the pattern you'll be posting (if possible)



I'd love to know what you think! Thanks for sharing your ideas.