
Friday, February 18, 2011

Guess what showed up in my Mail Box today!!!

Wow, was this ever a surprise!  I came home from work today to the usual piles of bills and junque mail.  There was a package and I thought it might be some fabric I ordered for a quilt I am working on.  But when I opened it up there was a HUGE surprise.  MONTHS and months ago I made a set of placemats to send in to my magazine publisher, DRG.  They were doing a book on making quilts using precuts and I did a set of placemats with my super simple placemat and napkin pattern.
Well, the placemats came home along with this:
This is the book!!!  Jump Start Your Quilting by House of White Birches.  Can you believe it.  They sent me a copy!!  Click on the book title to buy a copy.  But what was even cooler. . . look at this:
There are the placemats and the pattern!!!  OMG  They actually published them!  I was so excited.  It was so long ago that I sent these in and never heard any more about it.  Then out of the blue, nearly a year later, the book is released!  And they sent me back my placemats!!  WOW
And if you look close you can even see my name on page 82! And they even published the instructions.
Now this is not my first published pattern, and it is not even my first pattern to be published in a book!  And I was paid for this design months ago.  So why am I so excited??!!????   Because I am one publication closer to my dream of being a “real” quilt designer and actually having people “SEE” my work and “BUY” it!  Whooo hooooo! 
You know what this means don’t you?  That my days as a college professor teaching speech to Native American students are numbered.  That my role as acting assessment coordinator will be coming to an end in the foreseeable future. 
Today I had to teach a full day of assessment training to faculty during our Faculty In-Service.  Of course I always include a new quilt as part of the presentation.  But I was so stressed about the day that I forgot to bring a quilt!!!!  So I told them that they would have to listen to quilt story instead of seeing one.  I told them how I will have a pattern in every issue of Quilter’s World this year and they were all impressed.  The point of telling them, I said, was so that they would learn this stuff, because I was retiring in three years to quilt full time and they were going to be SOL if they didn’t pay attention.   PHEW!!!!  I was worried that I might have to stay beyond the 3 years. . . .but this package in the mail renewed my faith that I can do this.  Ok, sorry for the ramble.  I try not to wax philosophical on here, but today was just one of those days.  Don’t get me wrong, I have loved my 30 years as a college professor and I definitely love teaching Native American students.  But I want the next 30 years to be as a professional quilt designer instead of as a professional public speaking and rhetorical criticism teacher.
Ok, since you made it through the rant. here are some more pictures!  LOL
placemat 4placemat w napkin
Thanks for hanging in there!!  Hey, I have some Fat Quarters left from this Line of Fabric.  Want to win them????  They will be this month’s prize for the posting a picture of your version of the Jewels BOM for February in the Jewels BOM album on FLICKER.  Now THAT is really cool.


  1. Whoot for you!!!! That is so awesome. I am so happy for you.

  2. So excited for you Reeze but I hate to tell you! You are already an awesome quilt designer!! THe rest of the world is just now clueing in. YOu are great!

  3. Congratulations! I love those placematss

  4. Reeze

    It's nice to see that you got published again. It looks like your future plans are falling into place. Congratulations. You have good reason to be excited.

  5. Congrats to you! You earned this!

  6. Good thing I booked you to speak at Nitetime Needlers before you fame grew so much that you wouldn't bother with us. Just kidding!

  7. Congratulations!! You didn't tell us where to find a copy of the book.

  8. Congratulations! Looks like a lovely pattern too!


  9. Congratulations, Reeze. This is awesome - plus being one step closer to your goal! But I have to say, this Haskell Rascal is sad to hear your teaching to NA's is numbered. I am sure teachers as fine as you are hard to find and I know the students will be the most effected by your leaving.

  10. The book should be available from Clotilde's website, since they are a branch of DRG (as is Quilter's World Magazine). The book says published by House of White Birches. It should be available on that website as well. They are all subsidiaries of DRG.

  11. Congrats! I love the mats/pocket idea :)
    I must catch up my Feb BOMs ASAP. I've been hand quilting an orphan block quilt from a UFO challenge and trying very hard to stick to it 'til done. Suffering "I want to do something else!" blues.

  12. Your placemats are so beautiful! Congrats on getting published!


I'd love to know what you think! Thanks for sharing your ideas.