
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bath of Apolausis finished

Whew!  It has taken me a while to get this quilt finished, but it is finally done!

Tomorrow it goes in the mail to Quilter's World magazine and I will get a few days break from quilting before starting on the next one.  Watch for this pattern in the October issue of Quilter's World.  The quilt was really not very hard to make.  But the instructions were a booger to write!  LOL

I had fun making a label for this quilt too.

My next quilt will be for McCall's Quilting, and it is made with civil war reproductions.  That is a bit out of my usual style, but I found a great old vintage quilt and updated the pattern using reproductions.  Originally a 2-color quilt in red and white, it will have a whole new look and feel than the original.  I will post some pics of my progress as I work on it.  Calling it Civil War Stars.  Not very original for a name, but it gives a flavor of the quilt.  LOL

This week I am going to be all over the place.  I drive to Salina, KS on Monday to speak to the Silver Needles Quilt Guild.  I teach EQ Club on Tuesday night at the LQS and on Wednesday night I have a night class for my real job as a college professor.  Then a three day break. . . sigh. . . and then off to Bella Vista, AR for two days.  I will teach an EQ7 class on Sunday (Easter!) and give my Grandmother's Flower Garden Lecture on Monday.  Then back home for a little work on my day job and then off to Oklahoma City for two lectures and a workshop the end of next week.  I get home just in time to vend at the Kaw Valley Quilt Guild Quilt Show, where I am chair of the mini quilt silent auction and doing an EQ7 demo and lecture on. . . oh my, not sure which day!  Gasp.  I think I am seriously over-committed for April!


  1. Beautiful quilt!
    Blessings for safe travel and time management. Don't forget to schedule some sleep!

  2. I agree with Jeanie - she has said it well. Beautiful quilt . . . safety . . . time management . . . sleep. Enjoy it all as it happens.

  3. Wow Reeze - it's gorgeous! Well done!!

  4. What a beautiful quilt!!! You are crazy busy, take care of yourself!

  5. Hi Reeze

    do you know anyone that is selling "bath of apolausis" quilt kit? i really like your choices of fabric and i'd rather be quilting this quilt than trying to match your fabrics. any ideas? thanks, cheryl in milwaukee (


I'd love to know what you think! Thanks for sharing your ideas.