
Saturday, July 2, 2011

July Block of the Month is Posted

July is finally here and that means several very special things at Morning Glory Designs:

  1. The new BOM for the month of  July is posted on the BOM Page.
  2. Summer is well and truly begun and oh how I love the summer!
  3. I am working on my last deadline quilts I have scheduled for this year!
Here is a peak at what I am working on. This is called Spinning Stars and my great friend Peggy Harnett made the top for me.  She did an INCREDIBLE job.  I am going to quilt it this weekend.

I am also working on a Irish Chain table runner using Farmhouse Retreat fabrics from Andover.  Aren't these luscious??

And there is one other piece of incredible news!!  Well. . maybe 2 pieces.  hhhh or more.

First -- I am getting a new website and it is going to Rock Out!  Anne Ashley and Jo Ericson are doing the work for me and they blow me out of the water every time I get a peek at it.  All I can say is WOW.  Anne is a Kick A*s Graphic Designer and Jo is an incredible Web Developer, and the two of them together are blowing my socks off!  I highly recommend them!

Second -- I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the digital age by my graphic design team.  I now have a Facebook Page for Morning Glory Designs.  Now I just have to figure out what to do with it.  LOL

Finally -- My last capitulation to Generation Exers. . . .I got an iphone and one from my husband also.  I figured that if I was going to do it he had to also!! Ohhhh and what fun I am having with apps!

My favorites so far. . . besides the cool calendar, camera, and other great utilities. . .
QuiltCalculator from Robert Kauffman
Quilt Fab app
Color Matcher
Sewing Kit
Check these out at the App istore.  If you know of other great apps for the iphone related to sewing or quilting that you want to recommend, leave a comment and I will send you a free pattern download!  Be sure to leave your email if you want the free pattern.

That's all the good news for now.  Hope you all have a great July 4th Holiday weekend.


  1. I use Block Fab all the time - it's amazing!

  2. I love summer too.
    Your runnwe looks gorgeous and yes, the andover fabrics are beautiful.

  3. QuiltFab and QuiltRef are companion apps to BlockFab that Lynne recommended. I use them to figure out how much fabric I need for borders, bindings, and backings.

    BTW . . . I love working on Jewels in the Crown! I can't wait for you to post the next block each month. :-) Do I remember correctly that we're going to start doubling up on blocks or borders soon? I can't find the original post that outlined the schedule. Thank you for this beautiful project.

  4. A new block! Yay! Thanks! I do love those fabrics, they look so creamy. Congrats on the iphone. I read my blogs from my phone all the time. I just leave Google Reader open in my Safari and click it open anytime I have a few minutes, on the bus, waiting in line, or sitting in the car. The iphones are definelty life changers :)


I'd love to know what you think! Thanks for sharing your ideas.