
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Iris are Blooming. . . . #3 Free Block: Japanese Iris

Spring is my favorite season.  Perennials in my garden bloom and I don't have to do anything to make that happen.  They are the perfect flowers for those of us who lack a green thumb.  Right now my yellow and purple iris are blooming like little girls dancing in my garden, their heads held high, swaying in the breeze.  I don't cut them and bring them in, I just enjoy them among the sunny greens of the grass and hostas.  Joy.  That is what the sight of flowers bring me.  Pure joy.

I hope you enjoy these flowers.  This month I am offering a free iris deco garden block for you.  I hope it brings you joy. 

Here are a few suggestions for using this block in a small project.

Several other May blocks are also on sale for half price 
during this month.


May Apple

Petite Japanese Iris

May Flag Iris

Iris Summer Picnic Quilt


  1. Love the art deco iris block and look forward to using it in a small project. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.

  2. I love Iris in all shapes and colors. However, over the years I have become extremely allergic to their fragrance (triggers my asthma)to the extent that I can only enjoy them on the other side of a window or as far away as possible in a yard or garden. Thanks for letting me see their beauty inside and close-up.

  3. Very beautiful! Thank you for the generosity and all the creative ideas!

  4. Thank you for the beautiful Iris block.

  5. Thank you once again love this blockk

  6. Thank you. My first Iris of the season opened yesterday, it sent a frisson of joy through me.


I'd love to know what you think! Thanks for sharing your ideas.