
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Roses are the Flower of Love - New Free Block

The iris were a big hit in my garden but are starting to fade as the last blooms on the stalk come to life.  I will miss their bright yellow and purple show out my window.

Now as June approaches the roses are starting to bloom in my backyard.  It is time to dust off some rose quilt blocks to give away, and put on sale to greet the changes taking place in my yard.

Here is the new free Deco Garden Bonus Block:  Purple Roses

This was one of first five Deco Garden blocks I offered back in 2015.  After the Deco Garden block of the month quilt was complete, I did not release the first 10 bonus blocks, but planned to release them later.  I had planned to release them in a second Deco Garden Quilt.  But with the pandemic and the need to lift some spirits I decided to release some of them early.  Originally this block was released with a black background.

I love the fact that you could see the inside of the rose, and that as a purple rose, it was totally unique.  Or perhaps I just liked the purples against the black.  So I played around with the block a little bit and came up with some project ideas to inspire you.  How about a 3 block table runner?

I love the striped borders with these floral blocks.  I think it offers a nice contrast and is easy to do.  And rotating the blocks always adds interest to a table runner, making it look good from more than one direction.  Try this project with three 12" blocks and a 2" striped border.

What do you think of this block configured as a wreath?

Cut out four 12" blocks and arrange them on a 24" background square.  Then add a couple of matching borders and you have a great summertime wall quilt, or the center block for a larger applique quilt.

If you just can't live with purple and you want something a bit bigger, here is an on-point variation in pink.  I almost like the pink better than the purple.  Almost.

By putting the block on point, I create corner triangles where partial blocks fill in those corners.  Add a lacy border and this would make a great baby quilt, large wall hanging, or small throw at 41" square.

What about making nine blocks and arranging them with a cute triangle border?

Or in pink?

Or go psycho and pull funky stuff from your stash?

Ok, that is pretty ugly.  I just threw that one in to make sure you were still paying attention.

What about reducing the size of the wreath and using 3 in a table runner?

More work than you want to do to cut all those roses?  Dust of your Brother Scan N Cut and let it to the cutting for you!!!

Ok, one more, just cuz I wanted to see what I could do with this block in a larger quilt.  This one is almost Queen size.

This pink version is set on point with half and quarter blocks in the sides and corners.  The center block is left blank and quilted with the block motif in green thread.  It is 76" square with a 3" border but you could increase the borders and bring it up to a queen size without much trouble.

Here are a few more blocks and quilts on sale for half price, to offer you a few more rose and pansy inspirations.

Pansy blocks:

Deco Garden Bonus Block 1 Fancy Pansy

Deco Garden Bonus Block 43 Pansy
And a few more roses:

Roses Around Bed Runner

Deco Garden Bonus Block 48 Rosey Posey 

Deco Garden Bonus Block 10 Red Rose Trio

Deco Garden Bonus Block 44 Red Rose

Deco Garden Bonus Block 54 Blue Rose

Now THAT is a big bouquet!


  1. Oh, REEZE! You know I love these deco floral blocks! You have certainly lifted my spirits today! Thank you!

    1. Thanks Kathy, I am so glad that these lift your spirits, as they do mine. I can only imagine what wonderful use you will make of them? Miss seeing you!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Karenjo, glad you like this fun and funky rose pattern. It always makes me smile. Hope I shared that smile with you today.

  3. It's beautiful. Thank you, Reeze!

  4. Normally, I don't care for pink, but the pink one here really catches my eye. The psychedelic one? Not so much. LOL I was paying attention. If it's from 2015, I might even have it already, but my mind is like a black hole lately - things go in and they never come out!


I'd love to know what you think! Thanks for sharing your ideas.