Want to kick this block up a notch? Experienced quilters might want to "cut off the corners" of the purple petals by doing a quick corner in the 2 outer corners, or even all four corners! Or try a variation like the ones I have created playing on EQ6:
This block uses a "quick corner" to take a bite out of the two outer corners of each petal. It also adds an "hour glass" block or quarter square triange to the center with 2 different yellows. This variation makes the flower look more petite. In blue it would be a forget-me-not!
This version captures the blue and purple petals of real pansies and the four-patch yellows in the center add more interest. Smaller bites off the corners really adds to the shape of the pansey petals as does extending the petals into the center. Instructions for these and other variations will be included in the purchased pattern. I hope you have fun creating your own variations.
I hate to add this little disclaimer but I felt it was important to remind you that this pattern is copywrited and may not be duplicated, sold, or used for profit in any manner. You may download the pattern for your personal use or for charitable causes. If you wish to share it with your friends, please invite them to come to my blog and download a copy for their use.
If you exhibit this quilt or use it for charitable purposes please be sure that the pattern title, Midnight Posies by Morning Glory Quilt Designs, is prominently displayed on the quilt label. And by all means send me a picture!! I would love to see your work and note all the ways you personalized this pattern to reflect your tastes and creativity!!
Thank you so much for respecting rights of designers. We love sharing our work with people who love quilting as much as we do!