Block 21 and Winners Announced!We had a great Thanksgiving yesterday at our house. My son was able to come and spend the day and we had a great visit. Not to mention he got on the roof and cleaned out the gutters for us! Raked up leaves and cleaned out the garage!
I smoked a turkey on our new grill (yum) tried stuffing in the crock pot! Both were a huge success. My new daughter-in-law had to work (:-( and we really missed not having her with us for the day, but we sent her texts and pictures throughout the day so she would know we were thinking of her.
Thanks to all of you who left comments and "Liked" my facebook page. I had fen reading all your comments and seeing pictures of your blocks.
The Winner of the Fabric Pack is comment #14, Jennifer Padden:
The Winner of the Fabric/Kit for Liking my Facebook page is Di Schlenk!
Congratulations to both of these wonderful ladies for posting comments and playing along with the Vintage Sampler 2012 Free Block of the Month.
Block 21 is Tulip in a Blue Pot. I am a bit late in posting on the blog due to the Holidays bu you can download this fun block now and save it for later. Just visit the BOM page (see tabs at the top of the page.
Block 21 Three Tulips in a Blue Pot |