Are you still collecting those fun Deco Garden blocks? Here are two new ones to tempt you. Both are available HERE.
It even has a certain appeal when placed on a white background.
Here is the second new block. It is called Peach Blossom. MGD410-45

The first one is called Red Rose MGD410-44
Look how fun cool this block looks when four blocks are put together to make a cushion cover or a table runner.
Here is the second new block. It is called Peach Blossom. MGD410-45
I made another version of this block as a wreath, just for fun. I get a little crazy using EQ7 sometimes. I like the way the stems make a secondary design.
I would probably make this as a 16" block rather than a 12" block, just so there would be plenty of room for all those crazy stems. If you want a pattern drawn up for this one let me know in the comments and leave a name so I can contact you.
Here is a four block version of the pattern. What do you think? Kinda cool in a weird way. And the version with the white background is also fun. Can you tell I get a kick out of doing these blocks?
OK hope you enjoyed that. Of course I have 2 more in the works for next month.
Want 20% off? Use Coupon Code MGD20% when you check out! Yup, really is just that simple.
Click here: Morning Glory Designs