We have reached Block #20 in the Vintage Sampler Block of the Month
Let's do something special to commemoriate this milestone in this year-long adventure. I have planned a whole boat load of fun things to thank all of you for hanging in there with me.
All past block sets are on sale for half price! Yup, you can get any of the blocks or sets you may have missed for just $3.00. Go HERE to my Website and pick out the ones you like or the ones you missed and get the three block set for 50% off. You get the 9" beginner block, --the ones featured on my blog-- plus the 12" crossing block and the 16" wreath block that were only available to my newsletter subscribers.
I am now offering SETS of 5 blocks for just $15! That's 50% off the regular price and you get all 15 blocks-- the 9", 12" and 16" versions of Blocks 1-5. Set #1 is available now, and I will have sets 2, 3, and 4 ready in a day or two.
Three Ways to Win Free Fabric Bundle, Kit or Pattern!
- Leave a comment about your progress on this BOM and you will be entered in a drawing for a free fabric bundle of Kaffe fabrics! [US only, International entries will receive a free pattern download]
- Leave a comment AND "Like" my Facebook page and be entered in a drawing for a free kit! [US only, International entries will receive a free pattern download]
- And I had to save the best for last. Everyone who has completed all of the first 20 blocks will receive a free Morning Glory Designs pattern as my way of saying THANK YOU for playing with me this past year. To claim your prize leave a comment letting me know you have done all 20 blocks, then post a picture on the Flickr Group with all 20 blocks in 1 picture! Be sure to send me your email so I can send you the download link to the free pattern! I can't wait to see these.
A sale, new sets, a give away and freebies galore. Its a good day.