I just returned from Oconomowoc, WI (yes, it really is spelled like that ) where I taught EQ7 classes at the Machine Quilting Today show. Go on, just try to pronounce that. I had to ask a local for the correct pronunciation. I was only able to stay 2 days so I missed the quilt show and vendor mall. Drat. But it was a fun trip, and now that husband Bruce is retired I have a driver and porter to haul my stuff around. Ahhhhh!
The best news of all, is that my darling new daughter-in-law Jess is pregnant! I am going to be a grandma at last! She and son Eric are expecting in late January and we found out this week it will be a boy! They are doing the nursery in a woodland theme (of course, daddy Eric is a big hunter and fisher dude) so I will have to get busy on an appropriate woodland themed quilt.
Eric sent me this picture of Jess last week on an outing to Sams Club. I laughed so hard. I know just how she feels!
Jess caught in the Candy aisle at Sams |
This picture is after I stared adding the sashing. I don't have a DONE picture yet. but should post one shortly. Just putting on the last border this weekend and then it goes to the Quilt Shop to help sell kits.
There are three more BOM blocks up on the BOM page so be sure to get the free ones while they are available. There are only three more blocks to go after these and we will be done. Whew, it has been a long 21 months!!!! LOL