I am not good at getting things done on time. Ask anyone I swap with, they will tell you I am last minute Lulu. So it should be no suprise that I am packing up boxes for out of town family members with Christmas goodies. Two went in the mail today and one will go tomorrow. I hear people say how they did all their holiday shopping in October, have everything wrapped in November and shipped out by December 1. Yea right!! I think they must be lying. Its just not possible. Even when I try to shop early I still can't bring myself to assemble all the wrapping items in one room until at least the 20th of December. Its a rule! Ok, more like a guideline, or perhaps a suggestion. Sheesh, why can't I get things done ahead of time?

I blame it mostly on being a teacher and waiting until school "breaks" to get real work done. I suspect that is just a lame excuse for a far more significant and dangerous condition. If I didn't procrastinate, I tell myself, what would I have to look forward to??? So anyway, Christmas is almost a day away and I am just getting gifts finished and wrapped and shipped. So big deal. LOL
So if you are a member of my family, don't read any further cuz one of these items might be for you. Everone else can read on! In early November at retreat I made some fun table runners using striped fabrics and a 60 degree triangle ruler. These were totally fun and addicting. This week I got them quilted and bound.
This poinsettia runner is one of those floral border stripes. The outer edge looks black but it is really a dark green. I quilted a feather in the center after marking it in pencil. I did this one on my Bernina. I stitched around each of the poinsettias in gold thread and then did the curved feather border in gold as well. I am getting better with my free motion quilting, but still need a lot more practice. I think the feather in the center came out best of all . Here is a closeup.
This is the smaller of two runners I made using this fabric. The other is about 76" long and has the tan center like this one but also has tan on the outside as well. Of course I packed it up without taking a picture of it but you can see a picture of it before I quilted it
here. DUH. I quilted that one on my HQ16 using a panto called "Pheonix" from
Urban Elementz. It is a bit big for the runner and I should have used a slightly smaller design, but I think it looks ok given the size of the runner. Both of these are for my sister. So shhhh don't say anything until she gets them and has time to open them. The pattern for these is called the
Easy Striped Table Runner by Karen Montgomery and it is soooo simple. Even I can do it, and ahead of schedule at that!
The binding on this runner is Nan Binding. that is binding sewn on completely by machine. Nan D taught me how to make this so of course it is named in her honor. [Ever notice how quilters name things after the person who taught them how to do it?] It is sewn onto the back of the quilt -- instead of the front -- and stitched down on the front with a blind hem stitch and matching thread. I love Nan binding!!!
You can see more Nan binding on this little placemat I made for my great (or is it grand?) nephew, Dominic. This was totally fun to make and quilted up so fast. And of course, with Nan binding it finishes fast too. I quilted on all the black lines around each border and stippled the blue background to make the white center puff up. I love the way that all the "pie slices" fit together even though they don't match up. This really is a fun and easy pattern.

Well after I got these runners made, well really it was the other way around. I made the stockings first! I made Christmas stockings for all my great (or is it grand) nieces and nephews. Six new ones just this year!!! On my husband's side of the family there was Brooklyn, Delaney, and Molly. On my side of the family there was Clark, Jack and Tessa (who is not yet born but will be coming along very shortly). Here is Jack's stocking.
And here is Tessa's stocking.
It was such fun to quilt these. I lined the fronts and backs of each stocking with batting between the layers. The I quilted the backs with cross-hatching and quilted the fronts outlineing all the elements on the preprinted stocking panels. I bought these panels last year when I made stockings for Michael and Dominic. I am glad I bought plenty of fabric at the time cuz who knew I would need to make 6 more this year????
Finally I made some placemat sets for my other nephew and his wife. These were made with the figgy pudding line of fabric by Moda.
I posted instructions for this pattern I designed on my blog earlier and you can go back and find the instructions
here. If you make some of these please send me a picture. I would love to see what yours look like. Ok, I have blathered on enough for one night. Hope you enjoy the pictures and the quilts. I am going to go get a glass of wine, put my feet up and read a good book!