Sunday, January 31, 2010
Home from Cruise

Friday, January 22, 2010
New Block of the Month Quilt

Mystery Solved
Thank goodness for my quilting. It has literally saved me. Now if I could just get my hands on the moron from the music co. that complained about my musical quilt supply list justice would be served. . . . .
Phew. . .I better go eat chocolate.

Monday, January 18, 2010
New Block of the Month for 2010 -- Tulip Tiles
Friday, January 15, 2010
Last Days to get BOM Midnight Posies for free

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Bargello Block Quilt coming together
Today I pieced the top of my Bargello Block quilt. I have the borders cut but didn’t get them on yet. Here is what it looks like so far. The setting triangles are a very dark blue, but the borders will pull out the shades of blue in the quilt.
This is made up of 24 identical blocks that look like this:
The colors are more accurate in the block picture since I scanned the block. The quilt picture was taken at night and the colors don’t come out quite right. This line of fabrics was out last year or the year before and I had a yard of each of these fabrics except for the one with the lines on it. I found that last week at Quilters Haven in Olathe, KS with the Asian fabrics! But it was just the right color and I love the stars made out of dashed lines.
This is not as good a picture of the quilt but it does have my dog, Rockie, a yellow lab, peaking out from behind the quilt! LOL He has to get in on every picture we take. I can’t tell you how many times I have cropped him out of pictures I have taken of quilts!
I have been working on two different Block of the Month designs today as well. I am designing one for my guild that starts this summer. I wanted to do a pieced BOM since the last 3 have been appliqué. I have been playing around with color schemes in EQ6 and have 4 different layouts that I am thinking about. Here they are. . .still in very rough shape, but they are starting to take shape.
If you have a preference about which one you like, leave a comment and let me know which one you think looks best. I’ll draw a name from all the comments and send you a set of FQ’s for helping me out with my design!
And don’t forget I will be ending the Midnight Posies BOM on January 18 and introducing the new BOM for 2010. Here is another little sneak peak. I just can’t wait to share this with you. Would you prefer to see it all at once, like Midnight Posies? Or would you prefer to just get it a block at a time, like a Mystery Quilt? Let me know what you prefer. Thanks for your feedback.
Actually I was overwhelmed by the feedback I got on my Midnight Posies offer of sending out the templates for the flower vine border! I have sent out a LOT of templates and have been so touched by the many complimentary comments you have had about the pattern. (And thanks for the birthday wishes too!!!) I can’t wait to share the new BOM with you next week!!
I am also quilting a table runner I designed but I will post that next time as I forgot to take a picture of it. Oh well. . .till next time.