Occasionally I receive a commission for a special quilt project and this month Becky at Patchwork Posse commissioned a quilt for her club and Facebook group. I was thrilled to take up the pencil (or in my case, the computer) and come up with something special for her.
Since I am in the art nouveau mood with my 2015 Block of the Month, I took several of my favorite bonus block patterns and put them together into a throw quilt I thought her subscribers might like. I call the designs Botanical Beauty and and did two different versions. Yea, I can't do just one.
Using these two blocks and the border block from my Deco Gardens BOM I came up with this:
I loved the way the blocks swirled around the middle making a secondary pattern of leaves in the middle. Just to be goofy, I offered a second version with a lime green background, just for fun.
I should not have been surprised when she picked this one as the one to offer to her subscribers. She preferred the lighter background. Isn't it amazing what a small (or large?) difference a background color can make?
Want the pattern? Join Becky's Posse and it will be yours for free!

Since I am in the art nouveau mood with my 2015 Block of the Month, I took several of my favorite bonus block patterns and put them together into a throw quilt I thought her subscribers might like. I call the designs Botanical Beauty and and did two different versions. Yea, I can't do just one.
Blue Bell Block
Trillium Block
Using these two blocks and the border block from my Deco Gardens BOM I came up with this:
I loved the way the blocks swirled around the middle making a secondary pattern of leaves in the middle. Just to be goofy, I offered a second version with a lime green background, just for fun.
I should not have been surprised when she picked this one as the one to offer to her subscribers. She preferred the lighter background. Isn't it amazing what a small (or large?) difference a background color can make?
Want the pattern? Join Becky's Posse and it will be yours for free!