Are you still collecting those fun Deco Garden blocks? Here are two new ones to tempt you. Both are available HERE.
It even has a certain appeal when placed on a white background.
Here is the second new block. It is called Peach Blossom. MGD410-45

The first one is called Red Rose MGD410-44
Look how fun cool this block looks when four blocks are put together to make a cushion cover or a table runner.
Here is the second new block. It is called Peach Blossom. MGD410-45
I made another version of this block as a wreath, just for fun. I get a little crazy using EQ7 sometimes. I like the way the stems make a secondary design.
I would probably make this as a 16" block rather than a 12" block, just so there would be plenty of room for all those crazy stems. If you want a pattern drawn up for this one let me know in the comments and leave a name so I can contact you.
Here is a four block version of the pattern. What do you think? Kinda cool in a weird way. And the version with the white background is also fun. Can you tell I get a kick out of doing these blocks?
OK hope you enjoyed that. Of course I have 2 more in the works for next month.
Want 20% off? Use Coupon Code MGD20% when you check out! Yup, really is just that simple.
Click here: Morning Glory Designs

thanx muchly for the absolutely gorgeous flower patterns! eye candy! have my favs to make in my to do list and pix of the rest to look at and drool in my wow folder.