Trouble and More Trouble
I lost my mind and got two new kitties. My old kitties, Wilma and Betty went off to cat heaven and I have been catless for a while. These two were adopted from the Kansas City Siamese Rescue and they need names.
There is a little male(left) and female (right) seal point Himalyan kittens, 8 weeks old. They are little rascals. Playful, feisty, and active, they are a pair of scamps! They need appropriate fun names and my brain is a bit fried so I am asking for suggestions. The person who suggests the winning pair of names will win a really nice prize!
Please post your suggestions as comments to this post. If you post anonymously you won't be able to win as I have no way to contact you that you have won! I can't wait to see what you come up with for this rascally pair!

Cinnamon and Cocoa
ReplyDeleteLuke and Leia... after all, they were brother and sister! LOL!
ReplyDeleteYour kitties are adorable!
Sunny or Sun for the female and Shade or Moon for the male, given his 1/2 shaded nose or his rising moon nose
ReplyDeleteEnjoy, they are a pair of sweeties!
Take care, Leslie
Koko and Yum Yum after the siamese cats in the "Cat Who" books
ReplyDeleteI like to keep things simple. They remind me of Jack and Jill. Look at the trouble they had just trying to fetch a pail of water!! Adorable little ones... We just adopted again 1 year ago... our little Dora. She and I are inseparable when I am around the house!! Be especially blessed, Kathy
ReplyDeleteThey are just adorable. I would love to have cats but due to allergies were are a dog family. How about Lucy and Desi, Duke and Duchess, Bogey and Becall, Rhett and Scarlet, Sonny and Cher? You see where I am going with these, but enjoy your new darlings.
ReplyDeleteRoy and Dale--after my childhood favorite TV show--Roy Rogers
The top one should be Mischief and the bottom on Smudge because it looks like he has a smudge of dirt on his face and you seem to say they are full of mischief.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy them for many years.
I'd name them: Macavity and Sybil for the male and female, respectively.
Cathy von Jess
Annapurna and Korakoram which could be shortened to Anna & Koram. These are names of mountain ranges in the Himalayas. They are just so cute, enjoy. Linda
ReplyDeleteBonnie and Clyde
ReplyDeleteMezare (means Trouble) and Kooyaun ( means trouble maker) is what they would be named in this Cajun home. Even if I can't spell the names correctly.
ReplyDeleteGracie and Georgie Girl
ReplyDeleteI think I would name them from the old cartoon The Jetson's, George and Jane :D I had a kitten in my home when I was making a bridal veil for my was a hoot trying to keep baby Dot out of the whole operation! I think I assigned someone the task of keeping her busy so I could do my thing. Thank you for the newsletter :)
ReplyDeleteI think they are like Raggedy Ann and Andy very mischievious. I am sure handling 2 little ones will be a great treasure.
ReplyDeleteRead your newsletter enjoy your time with your DIL and their up coming marriage. Its wonderful to have a growing family
They remind me me of the two Siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp! They were named Si and Am. I can sing the song for you if you would like! They were quite the troublemakers if you remember. Have fu. With your new bundles of fur!
ReplyDeleteYou are so lucky to have these new babies.
ReplyDeleteHow about Snickers and Doodles (like the cookie)? Or, Smithers and Jeepers.
How about Rascal and Miss Chef? They're adorable - you'll have so much fun with them.
ReplyDeleteI once had a female cat I named Loki. Loki was the Scandanavian goddes of mischief and it fit her to a T. I also had her brother and his name was Fred (came to us that way and it just fit), but your male is much more elegant!
ReplyDeleteSuggest you try these 2 websites of Himalayan cat names:
How about Pebbles and BamBam? I love your little kitties. Babies are so adorable, but they come with a bit of work. It is easy to forget all of the challenges of raising baby kitties, like the climbed curtains, cat hair in everything, their urges to reach high places, and those little needle-like claws. :) I hope your transition to kitty parent goes well.
KoKo and YumYum have already been mentioned but I love those names, and the books.
ReplyDeleteI have been told that the two original Siamese were named Mia and Pho (pronounced MY-a and PO). We had two adorable Siamese and that is what we named them. They could not have been better pets!
ReplyDeletewell if they like to play and get into trouble, then I think Cat and Mouse might be fun names.Cat for the male since they usually get bigger then the females. If they are anything like my brother and sister kitties you are going to have lots of fun!!
ReplyDeleteCould always go for Bambam and Pebbles.
ReplyDeleteHi Reeze, how do you like Dot and Ditty? :o)
ReplyDeleteYou´ve got some cute little helpers for your quilting!! Hugs from Germany, Bobbi
Lilo and Stitch - got into a lot of trouble just being who they were. Yet, loved each other. (I've not figured out HOW to leave a name/account so...Wendy O.)
ReplyDeleteFigured it out! (I think) Still love Lilo & Stitch. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI like oriental names. Sushi and Sasheemi
ReplyDeleteI have two Himalayans, named Daisy and Bear, and wish I had given them more inventive names. I suggest for your two fur babies the names Zen and Suki.
Those two look so adorable.
ReplyDeleteHow about Aiden (meaning little and fiery) and Priscilla (meaning young, beautiful and/or troublemaker)?
Honestly, I don't have a clue. My Gracie is named because she was saved by grace. A Samaritan saved her life after she was hit by a car. She ended up losing one of her front legs before we found her. She's a fighter. :-)
Me encantarÃa que se llamen Eli(Elisa)y Nacho(Ignacio), ambos nombres en español, serÃa algo diferente. Qué te parece?
ReplyDeleteThose are two adorable sweeties. My immediate answer was Sense and Sensibility. All of my cats have song title names; Lola, Mystic Rhythms, and Silent Lucidity are three of them.
ReplyDeleteThere are two originals names "Patch or Patchi" for the female and "Work or Worki" for the male, like tribute your hobbie "patchwork"
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think ?
The one with the shadow and light on its nose, could be Shadow, and the other Misty.
ReplyDeleteCats are always so nice to have around. It's great you were able to adopt two.
ReplyDeleteHow about Mitzi and BooBoo?
Beautiful kitties. They're so much fun and sew entertaining.
ReplyDeleteChristian and Anastasia are names currently on my mind. LOL I just finished the 50 shades Trilogy.
Or Captain and Toneil.
How about Fred and Ginger? They really are just precious.
ReplyDeleteChip and Chap.
ReplyDeleteWell, I´m from Germany and in Donald Duck cartoons there were those two chipmonks named....? In Germany they were called (translated) A- and B-Horn, so I always called our cats A- and B-cat and until now, A-cat listens at her name, B-Cat is dead. So actually I wanted to give the idea to call them a-cat and b-cat, but you probably wouldn´t have understood it because only in Germany they are called like above mentioned.
How about Lucy and Ethel? I think Kittens can be so much fun and so enjoyable. Reminds me of the shows of I Love Lucy.
ReplyDeleteOops-how about Lucy and Ricky?
ReplyDeleteYour kitties are gorgeous! How about Glory (as in Morning Glory) for the female and Dash (as in Churn Dash) for the male?