Wow, I can hardly believe it is time to post block 15 in the Vintage Sampler Block of the Month. This month is one of my favorites: Two Roses! It looks like a rose stencil and it is a classic 30's block. I found an example of a quilt with this block on ebay. Click on over to my BOM page (see the tabs above) and download your free block!
Well, the kitties have names at last. Thanks to everyone who submitted suggestions. They were great and it was so hard to choose. The babies are officially Buffy and Buster. Goofy names for goofy cats. The little terrors survived somehow while we were away for a few days last week. The critter sitter was for the most part unscarred, although I am not sure if she will critter sit for me again.
The kitties sit on my desk and bat at the letters on my monitor as I type, then jump on the keyboard and type their own weird messages. This picture was taken in a RARE moment when the babies were sleeping and not obstructing my view of the monitor as they are in the pictures below.
Buffy sits with her nose right on the screen. I don't think that can be good for her eye sight, can it?
The winner of the Name the Kitties Contest has received their prize. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I am keeping a list of them all just in case I get more kitties! (Yea right!) LOL

Oh Reese they are so precious! Reminds me of my babies when they were young. One of them also loved to watch things on the computer. And chase the mouse. Thanks for the wonderful flower patterns, just keep getting better.
ReplyDeleteI got your email of the sale and bought the gladeoilas pattern. I got the email saying I could download it with 'these links'but there wernt any links in the email and I couldnt find any ont he web page. Id appreciate your help. Thanks much, Kate
Buffy and Buster are adorable.